White chalk is the perfect quilting marking tool for dark fabrics! White chalk is easy to see, erases with a wipe and never dries out. My favorite marking tool for medium to dark fabric is white chalk in any form. The Best Quilt Marking Pen for Medium to Dark Fabrics One thing is clear, quilters need two marking tools, one for light colored fabrics and another for dark colored fabrics. Very few markers–even those highly recommended by other quilters, passed my tests. (Think of me as the UL of markers, the Ralph Nader of pens, or the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval) I would bring them home and put them to the test. My Bona Fides…For years, every time I stopped at a new quilt shop, I would head straight to the notions wall and purchase all of the marking tools. Is difficult to erase (blue washout markers, Frixion Pens, many pencils and anything with wax) Put to The Test
The line is too faint to see while free motion quilting (hera and soapstone markers) Reasonably Priced–(Though I would pay a lot for the perfect quilt marking tool).To be a good quilt marker, a pen or pencil must be: I’ve come to the conclusion, the perfect marking tool does not exist, but I’ve found a few that come close… The Requirements We buy every pen, pencil and marker in quest of the Holy Grail of Markers… You can tell this by the number of marking tools we all have stashed in our sewing room drawers.

Welcome to Week Fourteen of The Better Machine Quilt-a-long based on my book 25 Days to Better Machine Quilting. Today’s Topic: The Best Marking Tools for Quilts